The Waikōloa Dry Forest Initiative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit supported by our community. With your help, we have laid the foundation for our future forest by planting, trees and connecting our community to the forest. Your contribution to our work means a lot, and we’re grateful for your support, mahalo.
One of the best ways to contribute to native species conservation and combat climate change is through tree planting and forest restoration. Whether a single tree or an acre of forest restoration, your sponsorship helps us achieve our goal of establishing a self-sustaining native forest for future generations to learn from and enjoy.
Adopt a Wiliwili Tree
Sponsor the planting of one or more of our keystone tree species, the wiliwili! After planting, we’ll send you a certificate and a GPS location of your trees. Through our Adopt a Wiliwili program, not only can you sponsor the planting of a wiliwili tree, you’ll get to give it a name too! You may also honor a loved one by planting this living legacy in their name.
$50 per tree

Plant a Grove of Native Trees
Become a champion of biodiversity! Help WDFI plant a variety of native tree species in an effort to restore the native forest community. This will include foundational species such as ‘a‘ali‘i, rare trees such as uhiuhi, and of course, wiliwili. In addition to the sending the location of your trees, a customizable sign honoring your gift will be place among the grove.
Plant 50 Native Trees $2500

Adopt an Acre
o Adopting an acre demonstrates dedication to the perpetuation of our forests. The restoration of an acre within the preserve includes the planting of 300 native trees and the ongoing care and maintenance of these areas including weed control, monitoring, seed collection, and pest management. If you, your business, or your family is interested in adopting an acre within the Waikōloa Dry Forest Preserve, please, contact us here.